DD1 has been watching me breastfeed DD2 for a few days now. Last night,
she was very interested in what the baby was eating so I showed her.
She wanted to touch my nipple. LOL! I asked her if she wanted to eat
like the baby. She said yes so I put her on my lap and let her try. She
got as far as touching her lips to it and gave up.
Tonight, DD1
wanted me to feed DD2 she was sleeping, so she started going down
my shirt. I opened my bra and showed her again and she said "There it
is!" Hysterical. I offered it to her again, she touched it with her lips, the backed away. I realize this is probably normal behavior. Just looking for your experiences and guidance on how to best work through this.
LOL, I can relate! My daughter is very curious too! I just stopped nursing her in November. She tried to latch on once, but I have no desire to tandem nurse. I just laughed it off and said it was DS's turn to drink from the milkies. She laughed too. Now she just watches very curiously sometimes, lifts up her shirt and feeds her dolls/stuffed animals sometimes, or points at me when I am feeding DS and says, "jack's milkies." Today she got curious about the pump so I gave her the pieces and she started "pumping" as well. Too funny! All normal behavior!
Re: Toddler Renewed Interest in Breast (New baby at home)