
2 ?'s

1) When you first started pumping how much milk did you get?I'm trying to bld up my supply but I'm only getting like 1 oz per session. Is that enough?

2) One boob is bigger than the other... yes, everyone has one bigger boob, but now that I've been breast feeding for 3 weeks my bigger boob is now significantly bigger. Anyone have any soltions for evening them out?


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Re: 2 ?'s


    If you are getting one oz pumping after nursing, that is a good output for how old your LO is. Be careful pumping too much this early or you could get an oversupply.

    They may even out more as your supply regulates.

    All of this.

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  • To even out your supply, try offering your smaller/less producing side FIRST every feeding.  Since it is a supply/demand situation, the more you nurse on that side, the more your supply should go up.  Good luck!!  It is normal to have one side produce more than the other; my left side is a little big bigger than my right side and out produces it pumping by almost double or triple the output.  It doesn't bother me though so I'm just trucking on through.
    Blessed to be married to my best friend & so in love with our little man!!
    Mason Robert born 4/26/2012

    Me:  31   DH:  35
    Unexplained Secondary Infertility
    TTC#2 since Spring 2014
    Clomid 50mg BFP 8/27/15, chemical pregnancy 8/30/15
    Clomid 100mg IUI #1 10/12/15....BFN.
    TTC Break until January 2016.

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  • 1 oz is a good start; you'll likely see an increase after you've been pumping for awhile. If you really want to build a good stash, the best time to pump is first thing in the morning.

    My left side is obviously (at least to me) bigger than the right, and produces about double the amount of milk. I offer the right side first, but it still hasn't evened out. At this point, I think I'll likely just be uneven until DD weans, lol.

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