DD is 5 weeks and ebf. Since she was about 2 weeks old, she's had HORRIBLE gas. Not painful to her, but smelly. Worse than my 3yo boy. The pedi suggested we try a probiotic, which I give her daily. But it really hasn't helped.
She also went 8 days between BMs, and now we're up to 12 days. I'm not as worried about that, but the only time her gas didn't smell was the two days after her last BM.
I've read some online and even though the pedi didn't think my diet was contributing to her gas, I'm wondering if it really is.
Should I adjust my diet to see if something is bothering her system? I take a probiotic daily (which I read can help) but I really have NO idea where to start cutting things out. I can't tell if it is worse from one day to the next - it seems the same no matter what.
Or is this something she'll outgrow as her digestive system grows?
Re: Changing diet - where should I start?
Most likely it's just her immature digestive system. Usually around 8-12 weeks is when things start to work their best for baby.
In the meantime you can try cutting things that are the usual culprits for causing baby's tummy issues. Citrus, caffeine, coffee, acidic foods like tomatoes, onions, and broccoli.