Happy Wednesday Nursing Mammas!
(For the purposes of this post nursing past one year is considered extended. Lurkers welcome. Questions are occasionally recycled)
1. How old is your nursing LO(s)?
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like?
3.Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them?
4.Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it?
5. Anything else you want to share this week. If you have a question you want me to put into rotation - please post it.
Re: Extended BF weekly check-in (6/5/13)
1. 25 months
2. No, he hasn't nursed to sleep in a long time. He gave it up himself. I do nurse him in his bed for a few minutes, but then we cuddle for a bit and I leave.
3. Night weaned at 18 months... mostly. He's snuck a 530 am nurse in (and then a 630 am wake up nurse, and sometimes a "mommy's leaving for work" nurse at 710). I need to get tough about not nursing at 530 to see if he'll go back to sleeping through to 630. I need that uninterrupted sleep back.
I pretty much did Ferber at 18 months - just check-ins at intervals overnight. Thank God it was when he was in his crib. He actually only took about 3 or 4 months to give it up, and he was waking every 2 hours before that.
4. Could happen. Give me 9 weeks and I'll let you know. So far, I still have milk this pregnancy. Not sure how he'll feel about colostrum.
5. I am getting some "pregnancy agitation" with nursing now. It just annoys me. Definitely a challenge.
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1. Just about 13 months
2. Around 11 months, DS stopped nursing to sleep. Now, he is very sleepy, unlatches, and lays back looking like he wants to roll over so I put him in his crib very sleepy and he rolls over right away and goes to bed. Probably once a week, I hold him and rock him while staring at his cute face!
3.Do you still have night feedings? Yes. We're down to 1 night feed which he is slowly pushing back himself. It used to be 3am, then 4am, and this last week it's been at 5:30 (will nurse for 10 mins and go back to sleep til 7:30/8.) The 5:30 time is brutal because then I'm basically up for the day. We'll give him another couple weeks to see if he goes longer himself.
4. I just have one LO for now and don't plan to have a 2nd til LO is closer to 3.
5. DS has been off bottles since 11 months and I stopped pumping at 12 months, but finally this week I sanitized all the bottles and pump parts and will pack them away this weekend for the next one.
Congrats on the pregnancy, litzo!
1. How old is your nursing LO(s)?
14 mo
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like?
We nurse right before bed but I try to lay him down drowsy but awake.
3.Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them?
Yes, we're down to once/night. I'll keep it for awhile.
4.Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it?
Only have 1 LO right now but I would consider it.
5. Anything else you want to share this week. If you have a question you want me to put into rotation - please post it.
Down to 1 pumping session at work, woohoo!
1. How old is your nursing LO(s)?20 months
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like? I nurse before sleep, but not to sleep, if that makes sense. Bedtime looks like this: bath, pajamas, story time with daddy. Then I come in nurse and sing a lullabye or two (or 3 last night).
3.Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them? Before Saturday I would say no - he dropped them on his own at 14 months. We did night nursing Saturday night and Monday night (thankfully not last night, so I'm hoping we're done again)
4.Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it?I haven't and I don't plan on it, but only because of child spacing. My kids (knock on wood) will be far enough apart that I don't think it would really be an option.I am so happy to have found the bump!! When I started nursing my first I never would have thought nursing past one would be something I'd do. Now I can't imagine stoping at a year. Thank you all
DD signs for milk and to be honest, I'm really surprised she picked it up. Its one of the signs I had only done a few times. A few weeks ago she just started doing it randomly. Just try to sign it every time you say the word or start to pull up your shirt. And she doesn't talk either (a bit younger though). I'm trying to be patient, but I'm excited for her to say something, anything!
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like? Yes I nurse to sleep every night. We lay down in my bed, she nurses and falls asleep and then I put her in her crib. When I am not home, she falls asleep in the living room with DH (usually about an hour after her regular bedtime, but it works).
3.Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them? Very rarely. The only time lately she's needed to nurse overnight was when she had a few teeth coming through or was sick. Usually when she wakes overnight, she just needs to be rocked back to sleep.
4.Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it? I haven't, DD is my only baby. I'm not sure if I"d want to. I prefer to wean her before getting pg.
5. Anything else you want to share this week. If you have a question you want me to put into rotation - please post it. About 4 months ago I realized I had lost almost all of my baby weight!! But then I went a little overboard, added to the fact that I wasn't making as much milk as I previously had, and all of the sudden I've packed 5-7 lbs back on. Oops!
1. How old is your nursing LO(s)? 17 months
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like? Sometimes, but not every night. If DH puts him to bed (by lying down next to him, rubbing his back, etc.), DS can fall asleep without nursing. If I put him to bed, DS refuses to fall asleep without nursing.
3. Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them? Yes. We bedshare, so I think that contributes to the night feedings. We plan to transition him to his own room in the next few months as we prepare for baby #2 and hopefully that will cut down the night feedings from 2 to 1 to eventually none.
4. Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it? I haven't done it yet and never planned to do it, but the only thing I've really learned as a parent is to never "plan" anything. DS is still happily nursing and shows no plans to wean himself. I am having no nipple pain yet and am still comfortable nursing him. Should things change for him or for me, we'll reconsider. As of right now, tandem nursing seems like a real possibility for us.
5. Anything else you want to share this week. If you have a question you want me to put into rotation - please post it.
~ Married 10.30.04 ~
DS1 born 12.31.11 ~ DS2 born 2.4.14
Congrats, Litzo on your pg! Tokenhoser, I can't believe you only have 9 weeks left before your LO is here. Wow times flies.
1. DS is 17 months.
2. He stopped NTS around 13 months b/c I felt it contributed to his night wakings. We do bath, nurse, book and then into the crib awake. It takes him 10 minutes of rolling around and talking to himself and then he is out.
3. Thankfully, for the past month, no more night feedings! It got to the point where I just had to turn off the monitor and close our doors so I didn't hear him get up during the night and it only took a couple nights but he now sleeps until 6:30/7am.
4. We are "one and done" so I won't have the opportunity to tandem nurse, but I feel strongly enough about bf-ing I would like to say if I had a baby before DS turned 2, I would.
I remember being so excited to do that when I stopped pumping at work. But then I had to get them out twice anyway because of overnight trips without baby
I forgot if you said it last time but have your cycles not returned at all or just irregular? With DS1 and DS2 I was really trying to time the pregnancies and my cycles were a bit wonky so I actually invested in the clearblue electronic ovulation monitor to make sure I didn't miss the window. If your really want to "catch the first egg" may be worth it.
Thanks for the congrats. What's the bump saying? "sending baby dust" your way?
You should still answer whenever you can get to the bump. Most of us come back to the thread to read what the people answering after us have written
1. How old is your nursing LO(s)? 21 months
2. Are you nursing to sleep? If not what does your bedtime routine look like?
Yes. Oy vey.
3.Do you still have night feedings? If No (Yes) how did you (do you plan to) eliminate them?
Yes. It's been a rough road with aednoid surgery, much sickness and silent reflux making me uncomfortable with sleep training. At this point though, I am really not doing well on so little sleep and we need to stop. I am trying to figure out what our approach will be. Sometimes she goes from 8 PM - 4 or 5 AM with no nursing, but that is still not the majority of nights and it needs to be. Gotta figure this out.
4.Tandem nursing - have you done it? Would you do it?
Nope. I'm hoping to be a 1 and done mama.
5. Anything else you want to share this week. If you have a question you want me to put into rotation - please post it.
Frankly, I'm tired. I am really at this point interested in weaning, but DD is really NOT interested yet. When I am with her she asks for "mi" a LOT. I'm trying to limit her constant "check in" nursing during the day, but then wonder if I should let her nurse a lot during the day and more actively discourage the night feedings. I think her constant sickness and reflux earlier in life have made for some very bad habits and expectations. She is also very strong willed and I have not been tough enough. I'm going to spend the next few weeks thinking up a new plan, and then implement it after my busy season at work.