
one side more than the other...

So my left breast has been achy, gets pins/needles feeling every once in a while and when baby starts to latch (which is fine) it feels like knives! My milk on that side is also twice what it is on the right. What the heck is going on? I've started nursing on the right side first to see if it will help even out supply and then finish feeding on the left, but it seriously makes me want to scream, even with a nipple shield.

Re: one side more than the other...

  • Does your breast get really swollen and pinkish/reddish than normal? cause if it does, you should really go see your Doctor to get it checked. Not trying to worry you at all, but there are many hazardous conditions that start like that. What I've been advised since my baby boy was born was to massage my breast a while before nursing, no matter how much it hurt. That'll make the milk ducts release the milk towards your nipple. Start from the base of your breast, going towards your nipple. I remember I'd cry a lot before nursing him, but it was all worth it. That stopped happening after the first 1 1/2 month.

    Good luck!! 

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  • I don't know how new your are to breastfeeding. BF was very painful for me for a long time. I understood why some people throw in the towel those first many weeks (for me it may have taken 4-6 weeks till it didn't hurt anymore, or at least not as much). My LO always preferred to eat from the right. Due to this it produces twice what the other side does. I would really try and get LO to get comfortable using both sides equally so this doesn't become an issue (though I am not sure how often people come across this, I've never asked). I did not keep close track of which side I was using, when, and wish I would have now.
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