
Alcohol while BF

How much are you comfortable drinking without pumping and dumping? I can't imagine throwing away breast milk. I know a beer or a glass of wine is fine but I'm wondering what rules others go by.
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Re: Alcohol while BF

  • I go by one drink per hour, or if I'm ok to drive I'm ok to bf.
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  • ec0983ec0983 member
    i'm typically comfortable feeding during/after one glass of wine, drunk over the course of 30-60 minutes, with a meal.  that being said, i'm relatively petite and have always been a pretty cheap date.  however, the only time i've had something to drink where i chose NOT to nurse my hungry baby was when i stood up to go get him and went from feeling nothing to feeling buzzed (excluding the handful of times we had a babysitter and i enjoyed myself while we were out, then waited 2 or 3 hours before i did my evening pump session).  i almost always go by how i'm feeling rather than how much i've had.  if i ever get past feeling relaxed, i will offer a bottle instead and pump if necessary once i feel like it's out of my system.

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  • If you're that nervous about it, you can buy alcohol testing strips.

    My LC told me more than two mixed drinks requires a P&D.


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  • Ok to drive, OK to nurse. I also recommend drinking that glass WHILE nursing that way you can have another right after and will probably be OK for the next feeding.
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  • imagebellelamb:
    I go by one drink per hour, or if I'm ok to drive I'm ok to bf.

    this :) 

  • Well, my rule is ONE glass of beer/alcohol drink per day (and I rarely drink now, maybe once a week and that's it). I don't think it's alright to drink more than that per day, because no matter how much milk you pump and throw away, a certain amount of alcohol will stay in your system for way longer than a day (I think it's crazy to throw a lot of breast milk away, too!). So, what I'd recommend is that, one glass of alcoholic drink PER DAY. Nobody's gonna die for not drinking more than that anyway! if you go on a date, have a pop, a juice or a milkshake!
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  • You don't need to p&d. Alcohol leaves the milk stream as it does the blood stream. If you're ok to drive you're ok to nurse.

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  • I think it's okay to have one drink during or right after feeding. I did P& D once when baby was hungry sooner than her usual 2.5-3 hours, but I had some already pumped milk from earlier in the day. That said, I don't feel comfortable drinking every night and I've read it may affect milk supply--I have a glass of wine or beer about twice a week.
  • imagebellelamb:
    I go by one drink per hour, or if I'm ok to drive I'm ok to bf.

    This is what I've always gone by.  I never drank much during that first year of nursing and I never pumped and dumped b/c of alcohol. 

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  • pnutgpnutg member
    Thanks everyone!
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    "Your blood alcohol level and the level of alcohol in your milk is generally highest 30 to 90 minutes after you have a drink, although that time and the length of time it takes the alcohol to leave your body varies from person to person.

    You can time your drink so that your baby won't be nursing for a few hours afterward by having it right after a feeding, for example, or during one of your baby's longer stretches of sleep.

    Or you can pump and store your milk before having a drink, then feed your baby expressed milk from a bottle. Pumping after you drink won't clear alcohol from your system any faster it will still take at least two hours.

    Another option is to feed your baby formula in the hours following your alcohol consumption.

    To ward off dehydration, down a glass of water in addition to the alcoholic drink. It's also a good idea to eat beforehand or when you're having your drink. This helps lower the amount of alcohol in your blood and your milk"

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