I am planning on breastfeeding and need to know what all I should stock up on? I'm 38 weeks so I could pop this kiddo out any minute now... I'm feeling very ill prepared when it comes to breastfeeding and my mom doesn't have any advice since she didn't breastfeed any of us.
Can anyone give me some pointers? I do have a breastpump and a boppy pillow but that's about it.
Re: What Do I Need Pre-Breastfeeding?
Honestly, not much. Just your breasts!
If you do want to a little prepared you can get those gel soothie pad things in case your breasts hurt in the beginning. Maybe some of that ointment (although I hardly used it).
You should get a few nursing bras and/or tank tops and for SURE get breast pads! I used disposable ones at first because I leaked a lot.
Don't over think it. Just see how it goes and what you will need. At a bare minimum you need breast pads so you don't soak through your shirts, but not much else in the very beginning at least.
Good luck!
I would also look up a lactation consultant and a La Leche League group or other breastfeeding support group in your area. The hospital should also have LC's, but sometimes they only work at the hospital and you'd need to call someone else if you have trouble after you leave. You want to have a good network of support ready in case you have any questions.
And put your pump away! Just don't even worry about the pump in the first few weeks - just focus on the baby, getting the latch right, and establishing a good relationship.
BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14, EDD 9-9-15
Agree with all of this, especially the bolded.
I would also like to add a supportive SO or friend. You need someone who wants you to breastfeed and reach your BF goal as much as you want to. A cheerleader and shoulder to cry on can be a must.
Also, from what I have heard/experienced if the hospital LC doesn't help you enough, go find another IBCLC LC. I had a home birth and LO latched within 30 minutes of birth but I still needed to connect with a LC before LO was even a week old! Sometimes the hospital LCs can be so-so and you need to get more help.
Other than that, reusable water bottles (I just recycled some from store bought water) to fill up daily are great. A TV table or something to put your laptop or ipad on while you nurse is good. Burp cloths and nursing tanks are also important!
First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013
BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014