I worked an 8 hr shifts two days in a row. I pumped twice each shift, yet still felt like I wasn't completely empty. Normal I just bf at home and only pump a few times a week. Since working and pumping this weekend, My left breast has a very tender spot. It hurts when I touch it or push on it. It hurts if I jump up and down when working out. I think it started as a clogged duct from pumping. I had a hard spot and massaged it in a hot shower and I think baby sucked it out when he emptied my breast. Now it is still painful and very tender. Any thoughts? It almost feels bruised or something. Advice? TIA
Re: Clogged duct? Pain
You mentioned exercise. Is your sports bra really tight? Without fail, every time I wear my ultra supportive and compressing sports bra, I get a clogged duct. Just a thought.