My DH and I have settled on Camden for our son's name. Middle name will be Jay after my DH's middle name and his father and grandfather before him.
We are a little stuck on the spelling. He prefers Camden. I don't want the nn "CJ" because I know several CJ's.
The other option is Kamdyn but that might be too feminine. Or Kamden. Just not sure how I feel
about the "K" spelling either.
Re: Spelling??
Use Camden. Kamden looks like a Kardashian and Kamdyn looks like a girl
BFP #1 5.26.08 DD born 1.4.09
BFP #2 3.11.12 m/c 3.26.12
BFP #3 10.7.12 m/c 10.27.12
BFP #4 2.24.13 ectopic MTX 3.13.13 Right tube removed 3.29.13
BFP #5 5.27.13 DS born 1.22.14
BFP #6 4.14.16
I agree.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
A mom in my local Mom's Group named her son that but she spelled it Camdyn. Anyhow, I dislike the NN CJ as well but Camden Jay is a very cute name and the spelling Camden looks the best by far!
Just don't call him CJ. The end.
No Kamdyn is a feminized version of a MALE name.
OP, use Camden. If you don't like CJ, don't use it, and correct anyone who does: "we call him Camden."
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3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
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Totally true.