
Probably a common topic...

Before I was pregnant, I was considered overweight. I have struggled with my weight all my life & now feel like the additional 40 pounds I have gained is going to make me break, emotionally, not knowing how much I will weigh after baby is born.

I'm 38 weeks pregnant & am now thinking about what path I would like to take to get my body in a healthy state- for myself & baby. I am going to breastfeed & was curious if any of you ladies have used Weight Watchers to help you shed the pounds. I have had success with this plan in the past & was hoping to follow it while breastfeeding.

Have any of you used Weight Watchers to help shed the baby weight while breastfeeding? Did you have success?

Just looking for some feedback!

Re: Probably a common topic...

  • You sound like me, except I only gained 35 pounds. I  had been very cautious about gaining too much weight wile pregnant because I have struggled with being overweight.  I joined Weight Watchers when my baby was 6 months old.  By this point, he was thriving and breasting feeding was going VERY well.  My lactation consultant and OB/GYN gave the green light before I joined. I found that losing weight (even without WW) was easier while breastfeeding.  I had success and lost about 25 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight.  I've stopped nursing now and have gained back 5 pounds.  Was WW the key??  For me, "No." It helped remind me of portion control and balance...I didn't follow the plan as closely as I should have. While it's easy to count points, my son didn't nap well, I was back at work, my childcare situation changed, and I had other things that needed to be done besides tracking.  Good luck! 
  • Thanks, ladies!  After reading your posts, maybe I just need to ease into it a bit slower than I have been planning on. As much as I would LOVE to lose the baby weight as soon as possible, it sounds as though I need my body to adjust to BF before changing my calorie intake. I suppose I'll wait & decide to first see how my body handles feedings & supply. You have both been incredibly helpful!

    Have a wonderful week!

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  • I used WW with DS1 and went to Zumba.  That said, I had significant supply issues with him too.  With DS2, I've completely avoided counting calories or even trying to lose weight.  I'm barely off the couch.  I eat whatever I want.  I have a terrific milk supply this time!  I think I might have just needed calories the first time around!  I have 100 pounds that needs to come off asap, but I've decided to just be happy being Mama for now and when I'm done bfing, I'll make changes that I can stick with without having worry about the effects on bfing.  Everybody works differently with milk supply though.  Sadly, your body will be totally different no matter how big or small you are after having a baby too.  It's a little price you pay for the joy.  I have skin that sags and boobs that sag, that no amount of diet and exercise are going to fix.  Work hard at being healthy, but know you might have to accept your body that brought your baby into the world for what it is afterwards.  


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  • You'll get extra points while BFing. But i agree with the rest. Give it some time. I lost all of my weight bfing with both kids, for me thr catch was not putting it back on. Which i did between DS and DD. I'm 5 weeks pp with DD and have just been cleared to work out. I plan to ease in to it because i don't want to risk a supply issue and at this point i need my shape back more than anything! 
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