
Fussiness/Gassiness after eating - suggestions??

Hi everyone,

 Our little boy will be 1 month old tomorrow.  I have been exclusively breastfeeding the entire time.  It seems like after almost every feeding, there is some degree of fussiness, followed by some major gas.  Sometimes it is up to a half hour of fussiness, where he is just crying and sounding like he is in pain.  I know he is getting milk, and as far as I can see he is latching fine.  I will say that my right side was difficult at first, and there is still a little bit of pain when he latches, but he does latch.  I have noticed that he sometimes sucks in a lot of air between his actual milk consumption.  I have tried burping, but he doesn't really burp much, and the doctor said some babies just don't burp.  

 We have his one month checkup on Tuesday, but I thought I'd get some feedback over the weekend.   I've Googled some (which I know doesn't really do any good), but is it possible he could have a milk allergy?  I know it's not as common in breastfed babies.  Could it have anything to do with what I consume during the day?  Our LC in the hospital said there were no dietary restrictions.  Has anyone had an experience like this and have any suggestions?  Any help would be much appreciated.  This is our first baby and we are lost as to what to do!


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Re: Fussiness/Gassiness after eating - suggestions??

  • TJ1979TJ1979 member
    Keep trying with the burping. It took us forever to learn to get good burps out of LO. Have you tried gas drops? They are a lifesaver. Milk protein intolerance is fairly common I think, so that's possible. Does LO have green mucousy poops? Does LO have blood in his poop? Those would be signs of MPI.
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  • evertzevertz member

    My LO does this too. He tends to get a lot of air when bf'ing... I'm going to call a LC on monday to see if she can give me advice on getting him to latch better so he won't suck in so much air.

    That being said, I agree with pp about keep trying to burp him. Sometimes it take me a good 10 minutes or more to get a good burp out of my little guy. I'd look up some different burping techniques and positions too. DH is way better at burping him than I am so if he's around I usually hand him over to him for a second to burp and then put him back on for the rest of the feeding. Once he gets that good belch out he's a happy guy.

    Good luck!

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  • Thank you both!  I think I'm just getting irrational about the milk allergy thing.  The problem with Google! Haha. I will try some different burping techniques and for longer time.  Breastfeeding can be challenging and exhausting at times but I know it's the best thing I can do for my little pumpkin!
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