hello, just wondering if I can use a complete bottle ( with nipple attached and bottle cap on) to store milk in the fridge? If I can, for how long...five days?
I just started pumping this week and called the lactation nurses at the hospital I delivered at to ask the same thing yesterday. She said I could store milk in the fridge in the bottles. I had read online it could stay in there for a variety of different lengths of time. The nurse said it could be in there for up to a week.
PP is right, there are a lot of different answers on the internet about how long you can keep milk in the fridge. I think it's different per person. Some people may let it go 5 days or a week. I personally freeze anything that gets to 4 days out (if I know DD won't drink it that day), because once my milk gets to day 5, it doesn't smell right anymore (and you can definitely tell when it isn't right!).
At our breastfeeding class, our nurse told us to remember the number 5. 5 hours for milk left out on the countertop, 5 days for the fridge, 5 months for the freezer.
Re: fridge storage question