My LO #1 is 9 months old and I'm 8 weeks pregnant with #2. My nipples have been hurting and super sensitive and I am trying to figure out if this is caused by the pregnancy or my LO maybe suddenly latching wrong or something. Any thoughts? TIA
Baby #1 DS born August 2012
Baby #2 DD Born January 2014
Baby #3 ?? Due June 5 2015
Re: Pregnant while breastfeeding
It's the pregnancy.
For me, the pain/sensitivity went away around 8-10 weeks. For others, it doesn't go away. Some women keep their milk supply, others lose it as a result of the pregnancy hormones. Keep an eye on diapers and your baby to make sure LO is getting enough to eat.
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Thanks! I hope I don't lose my supply. My LO hates eating, always fought me with it, even with nursing at the beginning, but now loves nursing, won't take a bottle and hates solids. He'll eat 3-5 bites then be done. He snacks (at least every two hours) at the breast so it shouldn't be surprising that he wants to snack with solids. I don't know how to get him to eat more. I really want to get him off depending on me for nutrition, especially now that I'm pregnant. I've considered pumping and only offering him solids and bottles to get him wiened off nursing for comfort but pumping is such a hassle!
I don't think you need to remove the breast - that sounds like a huge pain and a rough adjustment for a baby that loves to nurse. Just keep offering both nursing and solids frequently. It's normal for a baby to prefer small "meals". I would just offer lots of opportunity and always have finger foods for him if you are eating.
My supply seems to have hung on this long, so you never know! You could be fine. It's just important to have it on the radar if you notice your baby's behaviour changing.
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Started TTC in 2006, LOTS of trying, and trying, and 7 rounds of IVF with 13 embryos, 2 perfect little boys and 5 loses....
All finished with babies, started to make diet changes, Keto, to be MORE for my kids, lost 30 pounds, still going, and 3 months in, I had a natural cycle, and then ovulated... Hubs and I are going to see what happens now... Maybe a natural pregnancy? After everything we have been through? Or just a return to normal hormones? We shall see what the future holds!
Baby Dust To All!!!
Time fixes most food issues. My boy didn't eat much until 18 months.
Yes, eighteen months. It was a long wait.
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Mine stopped hurting at about 10 weeks....hang in there!