
need help-please don't judge

I have been EPing since my little one was born, as my milk didn't came in for 3-4 days after she was here. Therefore she has never been able to latch really well as a bottle was the first thing she got. I have been extremely faithful about my pumping, however I am now back at work and had to start supplementing wit formula, due me no longer producing enough and her just eating what seems like all the time lol. We have made a decision as a family that it would just be less stressful on me and her now if I no longer pump. (don't judge) However I don't know how to go about this, what do I need to do to dry up? Help please! TIA

Re: need help-please don't judge

  • I think it's sad that you had to ask people not to judge you. You attempted to EP, which is worth a round of applause in itself. Pumping is hard as hell and for you to even consider that before switching to formula is again, worth patting yourself on the back for. You've given it your best shot and if it's less stressful not to pump, then don't.

    When I was going to stop EPing, my LC told me this: Drop one pump every 3 days. You can do this two different ways; you can extend the length inbetween pumps (so, you pump every 2 hours now, pump every 3 for 3 days, then every 4 for 3 days, until it dwindles down) or you can completely drop one pump (usually the middle of the day one works best for the first drop because it's usually the less producing pump). It'll take awhile, but it's the best way to ensure you don't end up with mastitis and end up uncomfortable as all hell. I've read that Sudafed helps the process along. If you notice your supply dipping dramatically faster than every 3 days, then you could bump it up to every 2 days. I didn't end up stopping, so I can't tell you anything about this process, but that's the advice I was given.

    Congratulations on making it this far. Don't beat yourself up about it.

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  • I agree with BBJ - and anyone who is judging you is an azzhole.

    I EPed with my first and followed the same kind of system to wean.  Dropped pumpings and shortened sessions for a few days at a time.  I did not do sudafed b/c I wanted to continue to give him the small amounts that I did get.  About 48hours after the last one I had to hand express and then it was done.  

    Just remember as you wean your hormones are going to get a bit wonky again so don't be surprised if you cry or suddenly feel like you regret it - it will pass.  A few weeks after I was done I really felt like myself again. 

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  • evertzevertz member

    I've heard benedryl will help dry you up as well.

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  • SBmommaSBmomma member

    Applause to you for doing what's best for you and your family! 

    This is my first child and I EP. I can honestly say that I would not EP again for this long if I found myself unable to nurse once again. As mothers we do our best, but there is an unfair amount of beating ourselves up that goes on.  Best of luck to you & hoping your drying up goes smoothly! 

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