
Spit up

My LO is almost 6 weeks old and we are having a spit up problem. It doesn't happen after every feed but when it does, it is A LOT of spit up. It is like a gush coming from her mouth. I burp in between breasts and that sometimes helps but she doesn't always burp. She has the right amount of BM and wet diapers in a day and doesn't seem bothered by the spit when it happens. It is more messy than anything. Any suggestions or tips? Should I be more worried?

Re: Spit up

  • I was getting on to post the same question! Except my difference is I am supplementing and LO doesn't spit up after a bottle, only after the breast. He is 10 weeks old. So I'm no help but curious to see responses. 
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  • My son spit up huge amounts like that before I cut dairy out of my diet.

    I'm not suggesting that is what the problem is, but it might be something to consider if he shows any other symptoms of MSPI. 

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