I haven't personally, Im giving birth out in carteret (morehead), but Ive had many friends who have and its mixed reviews. Some really like it, some dont. I don't like the OB services (regular appointments not the actual giving birth) on base here so I opted to go off base
I'm going to New Bern for mine. Cherry Point doesn't have a base hospital so we have to go either to Morehead or New Bern. I've had a few people I know deliver at both and most of them liked Morehead better.
We're stationed here and I've had a ton of friends deliver at Naval and they've all had wonderful experiences. I haven't heard any complaints. I do have a friend that delivered out in town at Onslow and she had a negative experience that she is still dealing with 8 months after the birth of her DD. That's probably an isolated incident but I wouldn't feel comfortable delivering there. If I couldn't get in at Naval, I'd probably go to Wilmington.
Just delivered here a month ago! The actual delivery was awful because of some last minute complications (my body's fault, not the hospital!). Everyone was so wonderful, though. The doctor that delivered was incredible- he discovered the issue and was able to coordinate with 4 nurses and solve the problem in less than 10 seconds. Without his skill, I can't say that my baby would even be alive today. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The facility is very nice, too. The food for lunch and dinner is delicious, but the breakfast was always of questionable taste. They provided a lot of supplies, and there's a snack room kind of thing in the mother/baby unit. It's not always fully stocked, though. Also, the nurses in the mother/baby unit are very hands-off when it comes to the babies. Back to the delivery: there was no waiting for anything. I entered triage immediately, and I was in the hospital bed within a half hour. When I requested the epidural, it seemed like I was getting it right away. Also, they fully support your wishes. I went in saying that I was going med free, and everyone was very encouraging of this, which was appreciated.
I have! 2 yrs ago w my son and coming up in October too. ;-)
I don't have too much to say that others haven't, just fine experience, no real complaints... except about the guy they were training how too do epidurals or something? uh....yeah not being a guine pig again, but overall it was fantastic.
I had to get induced and everything went just fine, the labor and delivery nurses were especially awesome, like rock my world awesome, loved them. The recovery nurses were ok lol.
I've actually heard better things about naval than Onslow, scary left in placenta stories, etc. So I'm ok where I'm at lol.
Re: Camp Lejeune
Our family blog
Just delivered here a month ago! The actual delivery was awful because of some last minute complications (my body's fault, not the hospital!). Everyone was so wonderful, though. The doctor that delivered was incredible- he discovered the issue and was able to coordinate with 4 nurses and solve the problem in less than 10 seconds. Without his skill, I can't say that my baby would even be alive today. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The facility is very nice, too. The food for lunch and dinner is delicious, but the breakfast was always of questionable taste. They provided a lot of supplies, and there's a snack room kind of thing in the mother/baby unit. It's not always fully stocked, though. Also, the nurses in the mother/baby unit are very hands-off when it comes to the babies. Back to the delivery: there was no waiting for anything. I entered triage immediately, and I was in the hospital bed within a half hour. When I requested the epidural, it seemed like I was getting it right away. Also, they fully support your wishes. I went in saying that I was going med free, and everyone was very encouraging of this, which was appreciated.
Hope this helps!
I have! 2 yrs ago w my son and coming up in October too. ;-)
I don't have too much to say that others haven't, just fine experience, no real complaints... except about the guy they were training how too do epidurals or something? uh....yeah not being a guine pig again, but overall it was fantastic.
I had to get induced and everything went just fine, the labor and delivery nurses were especially awesome, like rock my world awesome, loved them. The recovery nurses were ok lol.
I've actually heard better things about naval than Onslow, scary left in placenta stories, etc. So I'm ok where I'm at lol.
Hey good luck! Maybe I'll see you there haha. ;-)