
ugh sudden engorgement?

DD ate this morning, and I'm still engorged. I don't think she's been eating any more than usual. This is nuts. I don't want to pump because I'm afraid of causing an over supply (had that with DS).
Any reason why this would happen? I feel like I have rocks in my boobs lol.
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Re: ugh sudden engorgement?

  • ec0983ec0983 member
    i'm no expert, but this happened to me on and off until my supply really regulated around 3 or 4 months.  i would put a warm heating pad on my boobs right before DS ate to get things moving a little bit, and if i was still really uncomfortable after he was done, i would either pump or hand express until i was just full as opposed to engorged.  hopefully it passes soon.

    in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, for you
    1 thessalonians 5:18
  • imageec0983:
    i'm no expert, but this happened to me on and off until my supply really regulated around 3 or 4 months.  i would put a warm heating pad on my boobs right before DS ate to get things moving a little bit, and if i was still really uncomfortable after he was done, i would either pump or hand express until i was just full as opposed to engorged.  hopefully it passes soon.

    Thanks for your reply. I have done hand expressing a couple of times, just to get rid of the fire house effect. DD eats, and then I still leak like crazy. Even my lazy boob, the one that finally given me a break as far as leaking was concerned, has come back into the game. Leaking like crazy. Feels gross. I probably don't, but I FEEL like I should smell like sour milk lol.
    I just hope it doesn't lead to a clog or mastitis :(

    "You get in the bowl." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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