DS2 is mostly EBF but give a bottle of pumped BM when out because I don't like NIP. He was taking bottles fine then all of a sudden he is on a bottle strike this whole last week. DS is 8 weeks old today. Advice or tips from anyone that has gone thru this would be greatly appreciated.
TIA! :
Re: LO suddenly won't take a bottle!
We went through this recently! I mostly BF but have given DS some bottle since he was 1 week old. All of a sudden, around 8 weeks old or so (!) he began fighting the bottle, refusing to take it and going on what I called Hunger Strike. I was worried because I was prepring to return to work.
every baby is different, and in our case it took a few weeks of training. Grandma and Dad fed him the bottle and it worked best when I was not even in the house - they say baby can smell you and knows if you are around. At 11 weeks the fighting subsided!
Other folks suggest trying different bottles/nipples to find one that the baby may prefer.