
Returning to work- pumping questions

I am returning to work in 2 weeks...with DS1, breastfeeding didn't quite work out very well and I was only working part time- so I am new to this working full time/exclusively breastfeeding situation. 

I know it is best to pump whenever LO were to eat, but that would mean I would have to pump 4 times in one work day since he eats 3 oz every 2 hours (I work 9 hour days). I really do not think it will be possible for me to step away that many times a day. Is it possible I would get enough needed for 4 bottles while only pumping 3 times? I also got the hands free bra and car adapter to pump on my way to work- but that still leaves one pump/feeding session needed to stay with the rule of feeding and pumping at the same time.

I also got a cooler to transport the bottles to/from day care and a planet wise wet bag to transport my pump parts. Is there anything else I should get in preparation? I am a little anxious about this transition- I worry if my supply will keep up with DS's needs. 

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Re: Returning to work- pumping questions

  • Do you have a freezer stash of BM? You may need it until you figure out how much you can pump in 3 sessions. For me, it took a couple weeks for my body to adjust to pumping, so i had to supplement with freezer milk. I also had to add in an early morning & late evening pump to cover how much LO was drinking at daycare.
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  • imagehullmanr:
    Do you have a freezer stash of BM? You may need it until you figure out how much you can pump in 3 sessions. For me, it took a couple weeks for my body to adjust to pumping, so i had to supplement with freezer milk. I also had to add in an early morning & late evening pump to cover how much LO was drinking at daycare.


    Yes- I have about 50 oz frozen right now. I try to freeze one bag per day while on I should have almost double that by the time I go back to work. Thanks for the advice :) 

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  • mb314mb314 member

    You should be okay with three pumping sessions during the day.  As pp said, it may take you a few weeks for your body to adjust, but you should be fine.  You can always pump at night after LO goes to sleep.

     My DS has 5 bottles (!) at daycare and I pump 3 times at work and once in the evening.  I couldn't take any more pumping breaks at work as it takes time to set up and clean up.  

     It sounds like you have everything you need to start out.  I ended up buying more bottles to pump into so I could store some and didn't have to wash them all the time. 

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  • My DS is exactly like yours.  He eats 3 oz every 2 hours.

    I pump only 3 times per day and get enough for his bottles and it has not negatively impacted my supply at all.  There are some days when I'll be an ounce or two short, but I have just added a pump session at night before I go to bed now that DS is sleeping longer stretches.  That usually gives me enough for his bottles.  I also continue my night-time pumping on the weekends and that has allowed me to build up a pretty good freezer stash.

    For pumping in the car, you may want a nursing cover if you are worried about exposing yourself.  I was always more comfortable with the cover.  Also, tip on using the pump in the car:  use the seat belt to secure your pump that way, if you stop fast, you won't have a pump flying across the car.  Big Smile

    For your pumping bag I would suggest having some lanolin, freezer bags (in case you need extra storage) and an extra set or two of breast pads.

    You'll do great.  Try not to get overly anxious.  You can do this!

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  • I only ever pumped twice at work bc I couldn't do more than that without compromising my job. However, I also pumped first thing in the morning, when my supply was highest, to build a freezer stash. I'd recommend trying that so you don't have to stress about your supply.

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  • I only have time to pump twice at work, and DD eats 3.5oz bottles every 2 hours at daycare.  Supply is highest in the morning, so I pump both sides when I wake up every morning (5:30am), and DH just gives her a bottle when he gets her up for daycare.  I pump at 9am and 12pm, and pick LO up around 3:15pm (she nurses the rest of the night).  

    That early morning pump has been key for me in making enough bottles.  If she STTN, I can pump 10oz in the morning... and even if she wakes up to eat, I still get at least 7oz.  I also pump when I wake up on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and that extra little bit keeps me from dipping into the freezer stash if I have a bad pump day during the week. 

  • greyt00greyt00 member

    Supply is highest in the morning, so I pump both sides when I wake up every morning (5:30am), and DH just gives her a bottle when he gets her up for daycare.  I pump at 9am and 12pm, and pick LO up around 3:15pm (she nurses the rest of the night).  

    That early morning pump has been key for me in making enough bottles.  If she STTN, I can pump 10oz in the morning... and even if she wakes up to eat, I still get at least 7oz.  I also pump when I wake up on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and that extra little bit keeps me from dipping into the freezer stash if I have a bad pump day during the week. 

    This almost exactly.  The morning pump is gold.  I EP and still pumped 3x per day at work (and 3x at home) for 6 months (now I'm down to 2x at work, 3x at home), but I was greedy.  I am also dealing with LO's food allergies.  The pressure on me as a food source is pretty high, so I was afraid to back down at all on pumping, even though I was pumping a significant excess, at least once he started sleeping through the night.  I wanted to build as much of a freezer stash as I could.  It is tiring getting up so early to pump, but it's just for a little while.

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