We were out grocery shopping yesterday (the store is 1 hour away). I was feeding DS while slouched down in the car in the parking lot away from all the other cars. This was probably the most discrete and private public feeding session I ever had.
DH was standing outside the car just waiting for DS to finish eating. A man walked past and really grouchy as he walked by mumbled loudly (I think for DH to hear) that I should be in my proper place at home to do what I was doing.
The grumpy man kept walking quickly, which is good because DH was furious and if he had been addressed directly he would have been quite rude and lost his temper.
I guess this man thinks I should have driven an hour home to feed my hungry baby. I just feel sorry for this guys wife if he had one.
Re: Just a vent about a grumpy man
I personally think this man's reaction was ridiculous. I don't understand why people get so upset over breastfeeding. You'd think you were doing something horrid and unnatural, the way people react to seeing a baby feeding.
Oh well. You know whats best for you and your baby, not some crotch-ity old man
This. He was totally violating your privacy. I would have been furious!
I'm sorry, am i the only one that laughed when i read it?
I have feed little man in the car and pretty sure someone has seen me. (i also didn't cover up. i sat in the back where the windows are tinted and both me and baby hated the cover)
my husband wouldn't even know what to say but i just can't do anything but laugh at people sometimes and then go about my day.
Haha. Something tells me you and this guy would disagree on a lot.