I feel lost on how to wean in general and would love any advice on how to do it! Here is our current situation if needed:
I talked to his pedi and she ok'd introducing cow's milk early because I didn't want to start formula and my supply has tanked quite a bit. I do have a small freezer stash I'm working from and still producing some BM. Starting last week his bottles are 1/4 WCM, 3/4 BM and this week I'll go to 1/2 and 1/2. (she didn't have any weaning advice really...I asked:)
I work third shift, so he gets a bottle from DH in the morning and has three bottles at daycare. He nurses one time from the breast a day during the after DC/before bed timeframe. I pump once when I get home from work and once when I wake up (he's at DC during this time). In summary I am pumping twice a day and nursing once from the breast.
Re: Need advice on how to wean (at one year)