I go back to work tomorrow I do get to take him Tuesday and Wednesday!
Anyways, how many oz did you send to DC with LO? My LO is 12 weeks. Is 3.5 oz good? Also, when do you typically up it to 4 oz? TIA.
My LO started daycare at the same age and we sent 4 oz bottles, which she drank every three hours. Over the first month or so she started to fuss a lot after finishing so we added a half ounce at a time until we settled on 5 oz, which she has been on every since. In my experience, daycare will let you know if/when the 3.5 is no longer enough and will work with you to get the right amount. I found doing weighed feedings on the weekends helped me to feel confident in the amount I was sending as well.
Re: Back to work question