

I am due in a few weeks and I plan to breast feed. Is there anything I can do now to prepare for bf my little one?

Re: Preparing

  • Make sure you have a quality pump (even if you aren't working - they are useful for engorgement, plugged ducts, etc.) 

    Stock up on Lasinoh.

    Get as much sleep as you can now.  

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  • The first few weeks/ months you will feel like you are constantly nursing!
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  • Establish good support from you SO, mom, best friend, a good LC, etc. There may be times where it hurts so badly and you're so tired that you want up give up. The worst thing is not having someone to remind you that it's so worth it. You want those people in your corner telling you to suck it up even if it's not what you want to hear in that moment.
  • A good double electric pump, good nursing pillow, and don't hesitate to ask for a lc when you are I the hospital to help when first starting out.
  • Be willing to ask for help. Find a good LC.
    Don't give up. The first night home was the hardest and I almost gave in with supplementing but thanks to great support from DH he wouldn't let me. Not saying its bad if you have to but seek help before you do.
    Get the purple tube cream like pp said, breast pads for leaking, comfy sleep bra and if you feel like you are always feeding LO then you are doing good.
    Sleep now and good luck.
    Also with visitors don't be afraid to leave the room or limit time and number of visitors. Sometimes with too many people around you can miss feeding cues or just get overwhelmed.
  • skrapskrap member
    One tactic that helped me to not get too overwhelmed or give up in the early weeks was to ask myself, "Can I handle this one feeding?" I was always able to answer yes, so we're still EBF 12 weeks in. If I had ever said no, I would have given a bottle of pumped milk or supplemented if necessary, no guilt. It honestly helped a LOT to not really think beyond the present moment.
  • Thanks everyone for the advice!!!
  • Read up! Review Kellymom website. Go to the library and get a breastfeeding book. I suggest, Breastfeeding Made Simple.

    Watch a few YouTube videos on breastfeeding positions and good latches.

    Don't be shy in the hospital! Ask all the nurses to check baby's latch to make sure he's always doing it correctly and so that nothing goes undiagnosed.

    Finally, never quit on a bad day! Good luck!
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