DD get's 3 bottles a day and I BF twice after work. For awhile now it is a hassle to get her to nurse. She unlatches repeatedly and the only way she will relatch is if I switch the side she is on, but she will happily latch on for a a few seconds. This could process could go on forever.
When I feed her around 4ish she may stay latched on a minute or two before pulling away. However at her feeding before bed, 7ish, she will hardly stay latched for more than 15 seconds.
I used to love nursing and saw it as a wonderful bonding experience but DD has me so frustrated I'm ready to turn to bottles.
Is she weaning herself from the breast? Is she dropping a feed on her own? Has anyone else gone through this?
(For what it's worth, she usually feeds well in the morning when she's hungriest and I'm "fullest" but usually gets a bottle because I leave early for work.)
Re: Dropping a feeding?