My LO's latch issue went undetected in the hospital and home visit because it was his bottom lip turning under half the time. Because I was told everything was normal, I fed through the excruciating pain. I noticed this myself and fixed the issue, and my left breast has recovered wonderfully. However my right nipple is so cracked, cavernous, scabbed and sore I cant bear to nurse him on it. This is also leading to engorgement, although I am trying to hand express often. I just pumped and it was sort of painful so I'm wondering if that could make it worse.
Should I wait until it heals to pump or attempt to nurse? I am at the end of my rope with the pain I do use lanolin and leave milk on the nipple. Help!
Re: Fixed latch issues, but is nipple SO sore
Oh, and the most obvious advice is call a lactation consultant. They'll definitely know what to do in your situation. Good luck!