I wasnt sure where to post this but I am currently BF and dont believe my milk has come in just yet. LO was born on Tuesday. But what color should her urine in her diaper be? Theres just so little of it at a time and Im starting to become a worry wart. The nurses seemes to be ok with them in the hospital. Just wanted to know how your first diapers were.
TTC since May of 2011. DX PCOS July 2012
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Re: BF and babies urine
Clear, light, yellow. And also small amounts. If you're BF, https://www.kellymom.com/
has a ton of helpful information. Also, up until week 2 (I believe) newborns have 1 wet diaper for each day of life, after that it levels off to 6-8 wet diapers. Congrats and good luck!
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Babies stomachs are about the size of a marble at that age, so I would say even if your milk has come in there still there not taking in a lot so it would make sense that they aren't peeing that much.
Also I know sometimes they'll pee when they poop but it can be hard to tell in the diaper.
Congratulations on the baby!