
Do you nurse out of both breasts in a feeding?

My son is 6.5 weeks and I have been bf out of both breasts each time he feeds since he was born. He eats out of each breast for about 1012 minutes during a single feeding. I hear a lot of women say they only feed out of 1 breast at a time. Does this help with supply? I am going back to work in a week and a half and I want to do everything I can to keep my supply up. Would it be beneficial to nurse off one side at each feeding? Any suggestions on keeping up supply would be super helpful!! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Do you nurse out of both breasts in a feeding?

  • I only nurse off of one side, because that is all DS has ever wanted.  Are you already having supply problems? 
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  • I don't think it's related to supply.  I always nursed from both breasts and was able to keep breastfeeding even after I started work (my son is almost 20 months).  Some women have not been as lucky - regardless of whether they nursed from one or both breasts.  I think it just has more to do with what the baby takes.  I always offered both, and he has always taken both.
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  • Ok, thanks. I'm not having any problems right now. I've just heard stories of women going back to work and their supply tanking. Ill be able to pump 3 times a day at work so hopefully that will keep my supply strong.
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  • =Lee=B=Lee=B member
    One side per feed.  With my fast milk flow and my babies killer suck she takes in just over 2.5 ounces in 4-6 minutes.  Switching seems pointless in that amount of time and she FREAKS out if I try, thinking I won't give her anymore!


  • If you've been feeding on both sides and it's going well, I would keep it up. Think about it... when you pump at work, you'll be pumping both sides at the same time (I'm assuming you have a double electric)... so it makes sense that your feedings will be the same. This will keep both breasts producing for all feedings, which will coincide with the pumping.


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  • One side per feed, except for the few occasions that I haven't eaten enough calories or drunk enough water. 
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