
2 month old frozen milk for 4 month baby

My DS will start daycare in June and will be almost 4 months. I have about 250 oz of frozen milk, the oldest milk being from Mar 23rd when DS was 1 month and 1 week old. I think you can use frozen milk for up to 3 months and this milk will be just under 3 months old. But I know that breast milk changes composition as the baby gets older. So can I give my baby this milk on his first day of daycare to rotate my freezer stash? Or should I give him a few bottles of the frozen milk plus a few bottles of freshly pumped milk everyday to even it out a bit, but still take advantage of my large stash? Or is the frozen milk just too old?

Re: 2 month old frozen milk for 4 month baby

  • You should be just fine using the stuff in your freezer. If its not one you open on a daily basis the frozen milk will last anywhere from 3 -6 months depending on how often you are in/out of the freezer.

    I just, and i mean just quit pumping and am using the milk I froze on 2/27/2013 for DS and supplementing with formula to help it stretch. 

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