I delivered via c/s last Monday evening. Started pumping on Tuesday afternoon (I'm a surrogate, so I didn't nurse). My nipples are still suffering and today so far seems to be the worst yet. I started out with the 24mm flanges, went up to the 27mm (which I think is the proper fit, I think the 30mm would suck in too much areola). For a good 3 hours after nursing my nipples (1 side more than the other) were on FIRE. I had to hold my boobs in order for the pain to subside (maybe the pressure of holding them down). My plan is/was to continue to pump and donate, but not sure how much more of this I can stand. I was planning on giving it until next Monday (2w from delivery), just wondering when it got better for others, or if you had little/no pain with pumping. Normally, excluding this morning, they just hurt when I first start pumping (using the Symphony on the absolute lowest setting still), when they're touched, even if something/someone just lightly grazes them, and when I take the flanges off and dab them with a paper towel/cloth to dry any milk on them.
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

Re: My nipples might just fall off - EPing
Are you using anything to lube things up a bit when you pump? Some lanolin or coconut oil might help.
With nursing, I had pain on latching (just for a few seconds) until 3-4 weeks. Then it went away. I would expect it's just the massive hormonal changes and that things will get better for you soon.
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GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
I had HORRIBLE pain when pumping with the Lansinoh pump - the Medela (Which is sounds like you have) was better - on VERY low. I also have VERY small nipples - and had to size DOWN not up - and actually ended up using the areola stimulators from Ameda (shoved in the 24mm flange) or the comfort seal from Lansinoh (also shoved in the 24mm flange) - I then had to let my nipples heal too.. lanolin.. time.. ice..
YOu are doing an amazing thing - btw!
I used to have this issue if I tried to pump right after a shower or too soon between sessions. I figured it was a lubrication issue and a little lansonil made a world of difference. Also remember they are just getting used to some pretty heavy abuse. It took a couple weeks for mine to truly toughen up to the pump & that was after a month of BFing.
hang in there! what you're doing is awesome