
nursing strike, first PP period?!

My 12 week old has been on what I have assumed is a nursing strike for the past week. Every time I would try to put him to the boob he would SCREAM like I was trying to poison him, arch, turn away....the minute I would move him away or sit him up he was back to his normal happy, smiling self so I knew there was nothing physically wrong with him and this had to just be a "nursing strike," but add that to my issues with oversupply and clogged ducts and you can imagine the last week has been very frustrating and anxiety inducing. I looked in his ears hoping for an easy answer to this problem (I am a nurse practitioner, so fortunately could check him out myself without bringing him into our pedi), but no, there was nothing I could figure out that was wrong or different that could be causing this.

I have loved nursing my little guy and he has always been a very vigorous eater, so it has been hard not to take this strike personally. He nurses well at night or when sleepy, so we've just been struggling through the last week with a lot of pumping, nap-timing, and tears from both of us. Well, lo and behold, I started spotting yesterday and my period has arrived today (lucky me)!  I can only assume/hope this is the reason my sweet baby boy has been refusing to nurse as usual.

 My question is for those of you who have had experience with your LO's nursing habits changing or being especially sensitive to hormonal changes in your milk during that time of the month, is this something I should expect EVERY month now, or do they eventually get used to it?  Is it worse the days leading up to your actual period starting and then gets better, or is it bad until your period ends? Just wanting to know what I might be able to expect - I sure hope we don't have to go through this monthly now, breastfeeding has been hard enough as it is!

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