My first is 16 months old and she has nursed to sleep up until this point. I don't want to create the same habit with lo #2. I always heard that you should nurse the baby until she's done - my lo was never almost never "done" until she fell asleep. If I broke the latch when she seemed drowsy she would break out of the lull and start crying and want more. So we got into the habit of just letting her nurse until she broke off herself (very rarely) or fell asleep. I want to listen to the advice of putting lo down when drowsy and calm but seriously how do you do that? When your lo is finished nursing do they just calmly break the latch? Do you have to just put them on a schedule and say tough when nursing time is up? What are your experiences?
Re: How does your lo finish nursing?
When DS was younger (0-3months), I had to break his latch often as he'd fall asleep sucking (unless it's during the day when he'd just woken up from a nap).
After 3 months, he would come off on his own more often, but other times I still had to break his latch. That woke him up and he'd usually cry, but I can calm him down by singing to him.
We did sleep training around 4 months. He's now 6.5 months and I nurse him before each nap. He tends to doze off on the breast, but I'll keep calling his name to keep him awake until he's done. He comes off and then we do our nap routine - he goes into the crib completely awake and he puts himself to sleep.
Failed multiple cycles of Clomid+TI and Clomid+IUI
3/2011 inj+IUI #1 BFP. 4/2011 missed m/c.
Fall 2011 inj+IUI #2&3 BFN
Jan/Feb 2012 IVF#1 BFP 2/23 EDD 10/31/2012 ~~~ Halloween ~~~
Our IVF miracle, Baby Boy M, arrived on 11/8/2012!
My 10 weeker puts herself to sleep. She occasionally falls asleep while nursing but wakes when I burp her so still puts herself to sleep. She really likes to stare at her crib bars for some reason.
I think most babies just do what they are used to so what ever you start them with in the early weeks works. And of course, usually what you start them with depends on their temperament. My kid just likes to lie there staring at her bars and putting herself to sleep, some nights it takes 1-2 minutes some nights she lies there for 45 minutes happy as can be. We can come in and out of the room and she just does her thing. That said I never put her in her crib if she is upset so she's relaxed when she goes in and if she does start fussing we go in and stand with her a few minutes or take her out and hold her if needed.