I'm having oral surgery next week to remove one of my wisdom teeth. I'm having a consultation with the dr. on Tuesday. I told the person who took my appt. that I was nursing and she suggested I pump enough to last for 3 days. This really really concerns me as I probably have 1 weeks worth in my freezer and I don't want to deplete my stash if I don't need to. Do you ladies have any advice?
Re: Will having oral surgery affect breastfeeding?
Violet Mae born 1/15/13
I think it just depends on if you think you'll need medicine for the pain. I had my 2 bottom wisdom teeth out a few years ago. I took one percocet and it was awful, the stupid medicine just made me feel ill so I took regular strength motrin the day of and nothing after. I developed a dry socket too so it was really uncomfortable for like 2 weeks.
I will say that I seem to tolerate pain fairly well so if you don't think you do you might need to dip into that stash.