

Why am I suddenly having trouble with my letdown? I used to letdown very quickly within a minute actually. Lately I've been noticing my LO getting frustrated and me not being able to letdown. Sometimes it just takes a long time but other times it just isn't happening and I use my freezer stash because LO is getting upset. Same thing when I pump. I should mention that other times it's ok. Any possible reason?
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP #1 6.19.11 ~ EDD 2.23.12 ~ CP on 6.22.11
BFP #2 7.23.11 ~ EDD 3.28.12 ~ MC on 8.16.11
BFP #3 11.17.11~ EDD 7.31.12 ~ MC on 1.18.12
BFP #4 4.12.12 ~ EDD 12.25.12~ Born on 12.26.12

Re: Letdown

  • zzbbzzbb member
    When my lo was very young and tiny I'd either pump for a few before feeding or manually get things started to try to keep him from usually worked. If you use your stash pump at the same time to replace and keep your supply up.
  • Thanks ladies! It is major stress, DS is almost 5 months and we've had an easy time BF aside from mastitis once. I had to deep into my freezer stash after trying to nurse for almost a half hour, then pumping for 20 minutes. Nothing would do the trick but the next time I nursed it was completely fine.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP #1 6.19.11 ~ EDD 2.23.12 ~ CP on 6.22.11
    BFP #2 7.23.11 ~ EDD 3.28.12 ~ MC on 8.16.11
    BFP #3 11.17.11~ EDD 7.31.12 ~ MC on 1.18.12
    BFP #4 4.12.12 ~ EDD 12.25.12~ Born on 12.26.12
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