
Stomach bug

Anyone had it recently? I'm curious if your supply came back to normal once you could eat/drink/stop vomiting. I've had it the last 24 hours. I'm on the mend but I can tell my supply has just tanked. Last night before bed LO nurses a ton and still wasn't satisfied. I know its best to just keep nursing but i had to give him a small bottle of frozen milk to top him off because I just needed to be able to go to bed.

Then in the mornings I usually feed him on one side and pump the other, where I usually get 5 to 7 ounces. This morning I got under 2. I know it will get a little better once I can keep stuff down but has anyone had trouble getting it back? I struggled with supply with DS1 and have worked really hard to have a good supply with DS2. Thanks for any advice!
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Re: Stomach bug

  • I had one when DD was a few weeks old and my supply took quite a hit. I just offered more, drank a lot, and when I was better I ate a bunch of oatmeal and hearty foods. It was back in less than a week. Ooh I also did manual nipple stimulation. Something that I learned with DS. That way I wasn't wasting what little milk I had by pumping since she still would eat close to every hour.

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  • I got food poisoning in Jan when LO was 6 months old. It was horrible.  I vomited for 2 days, did not nurse, and only pumped a couple of times.  My supply took a hit because I couldn't eat/drink much and was not nursing.  When I finally felt better I drank a ton of water, took some fenugreek, and nursed a lot.  It took a week for my supply to come back up.  I have not had any issues since then.  Just give yourself some time, once you feel better and can keep stuff down your supply should slowly come back.  I hope you feel better soon!
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  • It took two weeks for me to get to a point where he would nurse, in the evening, and be happy.  It was a horriable two weeks.  I am still not pumping what I use to but I am finally able to keep up.  I work and the pump was not helping, took supplements etc? he would not take formula and he was not getting enough it was very stressful. I think it would have back faster if I was a stay at home mom and was able to nurse full-time

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