

In the past few days Madison has started biting me. She will be nursing away then chomp! Any suggestions on how to prevent her from doing this? We used a nipple shield for the first 6 weeks I'm tempted to use it again to protect myself.

Re: Biting

  • I have heard pressing their face into your breast real quick so they pull off, or a light flick on the cheek and a stern "no" works, but I have yet to get bitten...with teeth.
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  • Leni410Leni410 member
    Madison is only 9 weeks old so still no teeth but damn it hurts
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  • mb314mb314 member

    My 8 month has started biting.  I have tried saying "no" or pressing his face, but he doesn't get it.  What has worked best for me is recognizing his signs that he's about to bite.  He tends to bite during the evening, when my supply is lower, and he's trying to get more milk out.  I can now better anticipate that he's getting frustrated, and I either switch sides or end the session to prevent the biting.

    It hurts like HE double hockey sticks.  And I wanted to use a worse term for it. 

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