Hello mamas,
lim a first time mom, with a little girl who just turned 4 days old about 20 min ago. Since delivery (csection) she has latched on and fed beautifully! However, I had my first doctors appointment today and a few issues came up because my milk is not in yet.
- she is down 13 oz in weight
- she has not had a stool in 36 hours
- she has not had a wet diaper in 20 hours
-she wantsto eat all the time, and has wanted to be on the breast all day today
it seems apparent that she is not getting enough nutrition, so the doc asked me to supplement with a little bit of formula and go back tomorrow to check in and check weight.
this is my plan for now, but I'm now worried, when will my milk come in so I can take care of my baby. I was a mom who wanted a natural labor, who was induced 2 weeks after due date. Labored for 12 hours before they had to do my c-section. And now going through all the motions of breast feeding, but with no milk. I'm feeling like my body is failing me, and could really use some support. If anyone can offer advice, or experience or support I would greatly appreciate it.
Re: Help: when will my milk get here?
IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
beta #2 11/28 = 2055
Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
I'm usually just a lurker through the boards, but wanted to let you know to keep your head up. I went through a very similar situation as you did. I'm also a FTM, labored for over 12 hours after being induced and still ended up with a c-section. My little one also lost too much weight at our first pedi appt; it was so stressful and I also felt like I wasn't able to provide for her. I was so upset about not being able to give my LO what she needed. I would allow her to nurse, then pump, and then give her as much as I was able to pump...I felt like all I was doing was feeding. Not only was I sleep deprived but so emotional about everything, especially breastfeeding. My milk finally did come in on day 7 post delivery.
They say it takes a few extra days for your milk to come in with a c-section. I was told it should come in by day 5, which mine was definitely after that. It just was not what I had in my mind or did it come as natural as I thought it would; I did work with a lactation consultant which was very helpful.
I know I was very stressed by this but you're doing what you can. Keep at it, it sounds like you're doing a great job and meeting the needs of your LO. I hope it helps knowing you aren't alone!
I echo this sentiment.