
Do I really need to pump every 3 hours?

My baby is a month old and I'm wondering if there's a reason to need to pump every 2-3 hours?  My LC suggested getting a 4-5 hour stretch of sleep if the baby will allow it so I've been going a little longer during nighttime hours.  It seems I produce as much milk as I would have in two sessions afterwards.  Is there a reason to pump every few hours or can I cut it back and get the same supply with less sessions?  As long as I keep pumping, won't my body continue to meet demand?
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Re: Do I really need to pump every 3 hours?

  • This is something different for everyone -- and I'd definitely experiment with it. Right now, I go 4-5 hours overnight twice, and then 3-4 hours during the day -- I haven't seen a drop in my supply after cutting back from more frequent sessions around the clock. There will be a point, however, where you'll signal your body to cut back -- but that point is different for everyone. Maybe you can start stretching length between a session or two by 30 minutes every couple of days, and see if your aggregate supply takes a hit. If not, sweet. If so, back to more frequent sessions
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  • MBush4MBush4 member
    Until about 12 weeks pp you really should try to pump around 7 times a day. How you break it up is up to you (I dropped my middle of the night session at 2 months when LO started STTN, but I added it during the day) because at this point your body is learning how much to make. While it may seem like an increase over the first few days or week, it can eventually teach your body that it doesn't need to make as much. So if you EP (I have since the beginning), it's best to pump every 2-3 hours during the day and if you pump in the middle of the night, every 4-5 hours...

    Daisypath - (2EEx)

    Lilypie - (CszI)



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