I am 10 days postpartum and my milk has been in for a week now. Prior to giving birth I stocked up on breast pads since everyone told me you leak a lot. So far, not a single leak. Should I just count myself lucky or do you think the leaking is still coming? Or should I be concerned? Is it weird not to leak?
DS is gaining weight great and I can get a decent stream going when I hand expresss, so I don't think it's a supply issue.
Re: Not leaking?
Sweet baby pic in your siggy!
I'd wait a few more weeks before assuming you won't leak at all... though it does sound like you lucked out!
With DS2 the only time I ever leaked was around 6 weeks when LO started sleeping 6 hour stretches at night. So, you might want to keep some pads to use during that time. Otherwise, consider yourself lucky!
Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food
Rhys - born 04.17.2013
Harry - born 04.18.2016