

So, our nanny put 4 oz frozen milk in the refrigerator this morning to defrost but DS ended up not eating it. I know what all the guidelines are but I'm thinking about not throwing it out and saving it for date night tomorrow. So, just wondering, WWYD?

ETA: I talked to the nany and she said that she partially thawed it on the counter but a big chunk was still frozen when she put it in the fridge.
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  • Well.. let me ask you this

    Did she remove from freezer and put in the fridge this morning and thus not warm it to "room temp" and thus its probably still sludgy?

    This is what I do..

    I take milk out of the freezer at night - say 8pm.  In the morning I pour it (normally still a little sludgy) into a bottle.  If she doesn't eat it at daycare that day I feed it to her the next morning (have DH do it actually as he gives her one bottle before DC while I'm at work) - that would be about the same timeline you are looking at.

    What I read is - its 24 hours ONCE THAWED.  So I stretch that to 24 hours since completely thawed. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageopaque1997:
    What I read is its 24 hours ONCE THAWED. nbsp;So I stretch that to 24 hours since completely thawed.nbsp;

    I follow this too.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
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