
Distribution of Wealth & Income Inequality

Re: Distribution of Wealth & Income Inequality

  • Yeah, it's a huge issue in the US and one that has only gotten worse in the past decade with the Bush Tax Cuts. While most of us have been struggling since the Great Recession, the megarich have actually been doing great except for a small hiccup in the late 00s. Corporate profits are soaring while wages remain stagnant or even fall.

    Most Americans are unaware of just how filthy rich the filthy rich are. Those same hugely wealthy people have an unreasonable amount of influence over public policy and hold a hugely disproportionate number of seats in the House and Senate.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • That 1% guy... does he have a single son?





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  • When it's laid out like that it really makes me sick to my stomach. 
     Lilypie - (gu1R)
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  • I really want to watch it, but it wont let me:(
  • imageLuckyDad:

    Yeah, it's a huge issue in the US and one that has only gotten worse in the past decade with the Bush Tax Cuts. While most of us have been struggling since the Great Recession, the megarich have actually been doing great except for a small hiccup in the late 00s. Corporate profits are soaring while wages remain stagnant or even fall.

    Most Americans are unaware of just how filthy rich the filthy rich are. Those same hugely wealthy people have an unreasonable amount of influence over public policy and hold a hugely disproportionate number of seats in the House and Senate.

    It's gross, really. Foxes watching the hen house and there's nothing we can do about it.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • imageBostonKisses2:
    Seeing it broken down like that absolutely blew my mind. nbsp;I'm still trying to take it all in, and don't know what to say.

    Yep, this. This information is mind blowing as well as sort of disgusting when its put in front of you in black and white like this. The filthy rich just get to sit back and make boatloads of cash while the rest of us middle class folks struggle to make decent living for ourselves..
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