Anyone have experience with this? If your supply dipped, when in the pregnancy did this happen and how did you know? Did you have to eat/drink crazy amounts to keep up supply?
We are TTC and my LO is just aout 7 months old, would like to Bf until he is 1. I am super nervous about supply dipping
Re: Breastfeeding while pregnant
There are no guarantees. My supply has been okay, but my child is now 2 years old (he was 18 months when I got pg). He doesn't rely on me as a primary nutrition source, so if I have less milk it doesn't matter. I do expect my milk will go back to colostrum soon, which will decrease the amount and increase DS's poopy diapers.
If bf-ing to 1 is an important goal for you, you need to know that TTC is potentially jeopardizing that. Some women don't have supply issues and some do. Those that do, there's nothing you can really do about it. It's a reaction to the pregnancy hormones that shut down the milk-making hormones. Eating or drinking more won't help at all.
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