
Biatch and Moan Monday

Good morning,

Does anyone have one?

Mine is that my two older sister bicker like two old bitties. Its like going on vacation with The Golden Girls.

Re: Biatch and Moan Monday

  • Mine is I had a crappy nights sleep and feel like shiit. DD slept great but I did not.
  • imageJdismybug1:
    Good morning, Does anyone have one? Mine is that my two older sister bicker like two old bitties. Its like going on vacation with The Golden Girls.

    This is my parents! They argue over the dumbest shiit imaginable and neither one will back down.

    My biitch is that it's cold again. WTF? It's May, my heat should no longer be on.  

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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  • imageLittle Jerry:

    Good morning, Does anyone have one? Mine is that my two older sister bicker like two old bitties. Its like going on vacation with The Golden Girls.

    This is my parents! They argue over the dumbest shiit imaginable and neither one will back down.

    My biitch is that it's cold again. WTF? It's May, my heat should no longer be on.  

    Seriously! It was 50 degrees here yesterday. Can't wait for warmer temps!

  • I'll b!tch about the weather too. We took the kids to the amusement park yesterday and with the wind chill, it was in the 30s. We had heavy coats, hats and gloves on. The lines were short though:) 
  • I have to go back to work Thursday after 9 weeks maternity leave. 

    'Nuff said.

    ::breaks down and sobs for the 3 millionth time already this week:: 

    Started TTC 2/2009
    Started fertility treatments 11/2010
    Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
    6 failed medicated IUI's
    Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
    Decided to adopt - 6/2012
    SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
    Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
    Decided to be "One and Done"

    ....OR NOT.
    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
    Here we go again...
    Due 8/26/19!
  • Last week when I worked 80ish hours in seven days it was gorgeous outside. I have been off the past four days and it is cold and raining. Blahhh.


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
    Then we had you.6.16.12
    Now we have everything.


    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • imagekellyrn9956:

    I have to go back to work Thursday after 9 weeks maternity leave. 

    'Nuff said.

    ::breaks down and sobs for the 3 millionth time already this week:: 


  • A few days this week my kiddo slept til 7ish so I stayed up and did some stuff around the house last night. DS was up at 6.


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
    Then we had you.6.16.12
    Now we have everything.


    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • My Jeep Commander is recalled. I'm annoyed that I'm going to have to take it in for the repairs.


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
    Then we had you.6.16.12
    Now we have everything.


    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • imageLittle Jerry:

    Good morning,

    Does anyone have one?

    Mine is that my two older sister bicker like two old bitties. Its like going on vacation with The Golden Girls.

    This is my parents! They argue over the dumbest shiit imaginable and neither one will back down.

    My biitch is that it's cold again. WTF? It's May, my heat should no longer be on.  

    Maybe this is why my sister booked us with me and the baby sitting in between them.
  • For Mother's Day I got myself the stomach flu.  Like could not get off the bathroom floor for hours, still can't keep down anything but water stomach flu. 

    Worst Mother's Day ever.  Ever. 

  • imageferris0906:
    For Mother's Day I got myself the stomach flu.nbsp; Like could not get off the bathroom floor for hours, still can't keep down anything but water stomach flu.nbsp; Worst Mother's Day ever.nbsp; Ever.nbsp;

    I spent the morning with my kids, everything was fabulous. The at 11am I was in the shower and started seeing spots. Cue the worst migraine of my life. I was puking and dizzy and felt like azz. I then had to go to work for four hours. I missed out on the family mothers day gathering and laid in bed feeling like death instead.

    I'm right there with ya on the 'worst Mothers Day ever' train.
  • I showed up for LOs 4 month appointment and its actually tomorrow. Ugh.


    Jacob, 1/14/13
  • I am starting my diet today and beginning to exercise again. I can fit into my pre pregnancy clothes but I have a gut and want to lose 20 lbs. I'd rather eat brownies and not care.

    image image
  • Friday night the ILs came over to watch DD while I went to a doctor appt. I invited them to stay for dinner. I told DH I was making veggie pasta with spaghetti squash.

    I came back at 4:45 and they were about to order pizza. I don't do well with dairy, so I cooked for myself while they ate pizza. It really pissed me off. I was offering a healthy home cooked meal and they ate pizza. I made DH apologize after the fact, but I'm still not over it. Call me oversensitive...I think they were extremely rude. I eat whatever I'm offered when I go someplace for dinner. I was raised differently.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • imageSimpleJane:
    For Mother's Day I got myself the stomach flu.nbsp; Like could not get off the bathroom floor for hours, still can't keep down anything but water stomach flu.nbsp; Worst Mother's Day ever.nbsp; Ever.nbsp;
    I spent the morning with my kids, everything was fabulous. The at 11am I was in the shower and started seeing spots. Cue the worst migraine of my life. I was puking and dizzy and felt like azz. I then had to go to work for four hours. I missed out on the family mothers day gathering and laid in bed feeling like death instead. I'm right there with ya on the 'worst Mothers Day ever' train.

    Sorry you were on my train.  It really sucked.  Hopefully you feel better today!

  • imagepghmortdoll:
    My Jeep Commander is recalled. I'm annoyed that I'm going to have to take it in for the repairs.

    Thanks for this reminder...I meant to send this to my mom because her Grand Cherokee was also recalled.  That sucks. 

  • imageBostonKisses2:
    I have 3 giant loads of laundry to do, and 1 small load since I have to wash my new denim capris and shorts separate. nbsp;I usually do it over the weekend since I have MHs help with Judith, but we were insanely busy this weekend and I couldn't do it.I'm annoyed that it was so bloody humid and warm on Saturday, and yesterday it was chilly. nbsp;Weather needs to get it's act together and decide what it's going to do.I'm sick and tired of listening to MH Bamp;M like a toddler because he has the same damned cold everyone else in the family has/had. nbsp;I know how miserable this particular cold is, but it's hard to be sympathetic when he's acting like a raging douche because of it.I hate pollen.nbsp;I feel like Grumpy Cat today. nbsp;And apparently I have a lot to btch about lol.

    BK, you never sound like grumpy cat. Hang in there! Some Mondays are tough.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • LO had a sleepover with her grandparents' on Saturday night and slept in till 7:30 am. For me? Not a second past 6am. Today was 5:51am. WTF, kid.




  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    Friday night the ILs came over to watch DD while I went to a doctor appt. I invited them to stay for dinner. I told DH I was making veggie pasta with spaghetti squash. I came back at 4:45 and they were about to order pizza. I don't do well with dairy, so I cooked for myself while they ate pizza. It really pissed me off. I was offering a healthy home cooked meal and they ate pizza. I made DH apologize after the fact, but I'm still not over it. Call me oversensitive...I think they were extremely rude. I eat whatever I'm offered when I go someplace for dinner. I was raised differently.

    I have the opposite problem! I'm a vegetarian, and MIL just doesn't believe it maybe or doesn't understand what a vegetarian is. She makes food with meat all the time when we go there for dinner. She'll make green beans with ham and be baffled that I won't eat them because "it just has a little." I always eat beforehand, as a result. Plus, of course, the raw chicken juice really turns me off.

    Veggie pasta with spaghetti sauce sounds delicious! Definitely rude that they ordered pizza. It would actually hurt my feelings, too.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • My car got repossessed this morning. 

    Behind on bills and just trying to stay afloat with everything going on at home, with Avery, etc.

    H and I are both working and finally getting on our feet... then this happens.

    That's a pretty good one. LOL 

    Our Little Lady
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    Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I hate my flucking STBXH. Well, I hate the choices he is making.

    I probably have no say in what he does.

    He has spent 2 hours with DS in the last two weeks. He goes to the bar every night for 2-4 hours. Then this past weekend he was home for all of 3 hours. Friday he didn't get home till 11 p.m. Then Saturday he left at 2 and got home around midnight and last night he was gone all day.

    I just don't get it. You would think he would want to spend time with his son. 

    “I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
  • imageAshPal61:
    MH apparently started his manperiod yesterday, and what started as a great Mother's Day was tarnished by his shiiitty attitude.
    On Father's day I plan on leaving him with the kids while I take multiple naps and ignore everyone, just like he did.

    Holy crap, are we married to the same man! My husband was a total douche yesterday, I ended up just leaving and me and DD spent the whole day together!
  • imageBlueDevilLady:
    Feck Mother's Day.

    No kidding, I think I'm done celebrating all holidays!
  • imageblowfish11:

    My car got repossessed this morning. 

    Behind on bills and just trying to stay afloat with everything going on at home, with Avery, etc.

    H and I are both working and finally getting on our feet... then this happens.

    That's a pretty good one. LOL 

    aw man. That sucks. I'm sorry that happened.  

    image Pregnancy Ticker
  • It's great when H gets overtime because we need the extra money. But that means he's gone for another 24hr shift. For example, this week he picked up more than one OT shift, so he worked 6 days and was only off for one day in the middle of that. 
    image Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageThePolishHammer:

    My car got repossessed this morning. 

    Behind on bills and just trying to stay afloat with everything going on at home, with Avery, etc.

    H and I are both working and finally getting on our feet... then this happens.

    That's a pretty good one. LOL 

    aw man. That sucks. I'm sorry that happened.  

    its ok, i think we are going to buy a cheap used car and just let the other one go... we cant afford the payment. i hate to do that to our credit... but we have to make a judgement call 

    Our Little Lady
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Rink08Rink08 member
    Our stupid credit union decided that they are no longer doing automatic direct deposit payments and will be mailing certified checks instead. WTF? It's 2013. Why would they regress from something electronic that was convenient and hassle free to having to mail out paper checks? I'm extra annoyed because since we no longer live in the small town, we didn't know about the changes and now had to pay an extra 15 dollars to expedite our scheduled payments to get there on time. Also, I think that I yelled at my godmother's son in the process of getting this straightened out.

  • EVA116EVA116 member

    I spent three hours in the kitchen cooking and baking for my mom on Mother's day.....all the while my single sisters sat around and talked with is that fair?

    Then everyone ate and left. Ugh. Luckily my H was great yesterday so he made me feel better....30wk pregnant hormones suck.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageblowfish11:

    My car got repossessed this morning. 

    Behind on bills and just trying to stay afloat with everything going on at home, with Avery, etc.

    H and I are both working and finally getting on our feet... then this happens.

    That's a pretty good one. LOL 

    aw man. That sucks. I'm sorry that happened.  

    its ok, i think we are going to buy a cheap used car and just let the other one go... we cant afford the payment. i hate to do that to our credit... but we have to make a judgement call 

    Can you at least afford to bring it current so that you can sell it yourself vs. risk having a judgment from the finance company if they don't sell it for more than it's worth? 

    Ok, and what is it about mother's day that makes husbands so tired?  DH actually did a good job helping to prep for our party on Saturday since I was gone all day with my mom.  But yesterday two hours before the party starts I'm trying to finish everything up and find him sleeping on the couch.  WTF?

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • imagembenit4:
    imageLittle Jerry:

    Plus, of course, the raw chicken juice really turns me off.

    Indifferent WTF?!

    You must have missed that post? MIL has some...questionable food safety practices.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • MooOinkMooOink member
    imageLittle Jerry:

    Good morning,

    Does anyone have one?

    Mine is that my two older sister bicker like two old bitties. Its like going on vacation with The Golden Girls.

    This is my parents! They argue over the dumbest shiit imaginable and neither one will back down.

    My biitch is that it's cold again. WTF? It's May, my heat should no longer be on.  

    Seriously! It was 50 degrees here yesterday. Can't wait for warmer temps!

    It's been 100 degrees here all weekend. It's not yet 9am and it's 85 degrees!
  • DH tried for mothers day, he really did.

    But he buys the most random gifts. He went to H and M and bought me white pants, 2 sizes bigger than I normally wear. I have a 2 year old, white pants will be a lovely canvas for him...very large white pants. Sigh...



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • Zeroth World Problem:

    I went to bed at a decent time last night, DW stayed up (she wasn't tired, since I encouraged her to sleep in for Mother's Day). DW woke me up around midnight to have sex. I was happy to oblige, but I had a hard time falling back asleep after, and now feel just useless and tired :P
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagemamaREB29:
    DH tried for mothers day, he really did. But he buys the most random gifts. He went to H and M and bought me white pants, 2 sizes bigger than I normally wear. I have a 2 year old, white pants will be a lovely canvas for him...very large white pants. Sigh...

    Maybe they were more a present for DH? My H always comments how good my butt looks when I wear white pants LOL. 

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

    image image
    M (3/9/02) and E (2/28/12)


  • Haven't posted in a while, but it's been a tough morning.  Had a sore throat all day yesterday and it's even worse today.  DS was very clingy this morning, which is not like him at all.  He was coughing and sneezing too, but didn't have a fever.  I could tell he just didn't feel great, but wasn't really sick.  Although, I have a feeling we will both be sick in a few days.   

    I would have loved to stay home with him today so we could cuddle, nap, etc.  But I need to save my sick days for when he really is sick, not just "feeling off."  He was okay when I dropped him off at DC, but I still feel a little guilty, of course :(

    And for some reason, but whole body is stiff and sore, but I don't really know why.

    /end pity party

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I locked myself out of my house without my car keys this morning. Had to bang loudly on the door and ring the bell a bunch. Woke up neighbor. MIL finally heard me and let me in.

    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • imageThe Nap Taker:

    I hate my flucking STBXH. Well, I hate the choices he is making.

    I probably have no say in what he does.

    He has spent 2 hours with DS in the last two weeks. He goes to the bar every night for 2-4 hours. Then this past weekend he was home for all of 3 hours. Friday he didn't get home till 11 p.m. Then Saturday he left at 2 and got home around midnight and last night he was gone all day.

    I just don't get it. You would think he would want to spend time with his son. 

    My heart breaks for you and your son. Your STBXH has a drinking problem, and is clearly running away from his problems and stressful situations. A big part of me hopes YSTBXH hits rock bottom at some point and maybe realizes he needs to change his life for the sake of your son.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I'm irrationally upset that our local community centers do not offer classes in the summer. We'll have to drive 30 - 45 minutes for our normal music, tumbling, and swim lessons. I'm considering skipping classes this summer, but my child is a beast when he's not kept busy.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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