I read down to the post below about this but have a question.
Has anyone here had a clogged nipple duct on both sides!? For a week now I've been in a lot of pain when nursing. I even posted something on here about and someone mentioned that if she is teething her saliva might change and make me burn. Well now I have a white spot on both nipples. So gross...but I can gently take it off, I thought it was just weird skin.
It's unbelievable pain and I went through a LOT of pain when we got started bc of no supply, cracked bloody problems. ...fun stuff right? But this hurts just about as bad, I'm almost in tears when she latches on and I'm making sure her latch is good and deep.
If you've had this how long did it last? My breast doesn't hurt just the nipple.
I saw someone recommended lethicin? How long before that worked?
Thanks so much.
DD#1 December '12
DD#2 New Year's Baby '15
Married 07/09
Re: Clogged nipple/duct
DD#1 December '12
DD#2 New Year's Baby '15
Married 07/09
Hi there, I'm sorry you're having this problem. I started having clogged nipple pores when DS was around 3 months. It started with just one, then I got another one on the other breast. It was awful b/c as soon as one side was cleared up, the other side acted up. I was having clogged ducts most days of the week for weeks on end. I tried everything - hot showers, warm compresses, dangle feeding, frequent nursing, pumping etc. Sometimes it took 3 days before the clog was cleared.
I started taking lecithin but it didn't help me. It's supposed to make BM less sticky, but since my problem was a clogged nipple pore, it made no difference for me. But it's worth giving it a try as it might help you. Soy Lecithin is the most common product as it's the cheapest to make, but I think there are lecithin formulas out there that aren't made using soy, you'll have to search for it.
Mine was really, really bad for over a month - so bad that I even thought about giving up BFing because I couldn't foresee BFing for a whole year with so much discomfort.
In the end, what helped were:
1) [TMI alert] every morning in the shower, I use my clean finger nails to pull off the top layer of skin where the blisters are (the white spots). The skin is what clogs up the pore, and it grows back every day. After I clear off the top skin, I do a little manual expression to make sure I see milk coming out from those pores.
2) I ended up nursing DS more frequently during the day (8x) as he STTN
I hope this helps somewhat... I was so desperate that I made an appt at the Breast Center at my hospital. Unfortunately, the nurse there couldn't really help me, and the LC just said it's "normal" for some BF moms and I just had to "deal" with it. This was before I started the 2 routines I mentioned above.
Good luck and hope yours resolve soon. FWIW, I still have the white spots (I've had them for 3 months now) but I haven't had a significant clog for couple of weeks now.
Failed multiple cycles of Clomid+TI and Clomid+IUI
3/2011 inj+IUI #1 BFP. 4/2011 missed m/c.
Fall 2011 inj+IUI #2&3 BFN
Jan/Feb 2012 IVF#1 BFP 2/23 EDD 10/31/2012 ~~~ Halloween ~~~
Our IVF miracle, Baby Boy M, arrived on 11/8/2012!
Best advice I got was from my lactation consultant from the hospital she told me to go on this site and check out the page about Milk Blisters. I have a milk blister this starting last weekend. So painful and I have started taking Lecithin capsules 3x a day (it seems to have helped the blockage in my boob) but it has not taken away the pain from reastfeeding or the white membrane over my milk pore.
Check out this page, I use most of this advice and it has helped!