Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Probiotics for chronic ear infections?

DS is EBF, but he has an older sister and they are both in daycare five days a week. He's been in daycare since 12 wks old. That's a whole different ball game when it comes to them getting sick. DS has prett much kept a double ear infection since the end of Dec and has been on 5 rounds of antibiotics. He just finished the last one last night. I have given him a daily probiotic Culturelle since he was a month old. He has a an ENT appt on Thursday, and I'm sure they will recommend ear tubes. I know tubes aren't a huge deal because DD got them. I know it's quick, etc and they usually feel so much better afterwards. But they are expensive, and I don't want DS to have any unnecessary procedures.
Someone suggested to me yesterday that I use a really high quality probiotic for a month or so to see if the infections clear rather than doing tubes right away.
Has anyone had experience with ear infections and using a probiotic to clear it? If so, which one did you use? I plan to do more research and talk to the ENT about it Thursday, but I wanted to ask you ladies about it, too.
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Re: Probiotics for chronic ear infections?

  • I would imagine that chronic ear infections have VERY little to do with the bacteria in your son's gut (which probiotics are designed to help), and a whole bunch to do with the anatomy of his ear. He most likely has very short, or narrow estacion tubes that don't drain particularly well. This creates a good environment for bacteria to grow into an infection.

  • imageDiveFrog:

    I would imagine that chronic ear infections have VERY little to do with the bacteria in your son's gut (which probiotics are designed to help), and a whole bunch to do with the anatomy of his ear. He most likely has very short, or narrow estacion tubes that don't drain particularly well. This creates a good environment for bacteria to grow into an infection.

    Exactly.  The reason you give them probiotics when they are on antibiotics is to try to combat the diarrhea that sometimes accompanies antibiotics.  There is no connection to DS ears.  If the poor kid has had a double ear infection for five months, I would be begging for the tubes.  My DS had tubes, and DD just got over her third ear infection, so we may be heading in that direction with her too.  

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  • imagemeganandchase:

    I would imagine that chronic ear infections have VERY little to do with the bacteria in your son's gut (which probiotics are designed to help), and a whole bunch to do with the anatomy of his ear. He most likely has very short, or narrow estacion tubes that don't drain particularly well. This creates a good environment for bacteria to grow into an infection.

    Exactly.  The reason you give them probiotics when they are on antibiotics is to try to combat the diarrhea that sometimes accompanies antibiotics.  There is no connection to DS ears.  If the poor kid has had a double ear infection for five months, I would be begging for the tubes.  My DS had tubes, and DD just got over her third ear infection, so we may be heading in that direction with her too.  

    I was actually a little upset that the doctor didn't send us to the ENT after his last ear infection. I don't want him in pain, and I don't want his hearing affected. The poor baby doesn't even act like he's in any pain at all anymore. It's like he just thinks that's how life is supposed to be. And that's pitiful.
    I've read a lot recently about probiotics helping your overall immune system because 70 percent of the immune system is in your gut. I just thought I'd see if anyone had experience with probiotics helping ears. When people have thrush, they are always told to make sure they and baby are taking probiotics for that.
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  • Probiotics is recommended for thrush is basically an overgowth of Cadida/yeast which is always present in your gut. When it gets too plentiful it shows up other places like your mouth or for women as a vaginal yeast infection. Taking the probiotics is recommended to brig the overgrowth in your gut under control and stop it from spreading other places. An ear infection is not caused by Candida/yeast bacteria like Thrush is that is why probiotics will NOT help.
  • I gotcha. That makes sense!
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