1st Trimester

I Am horrible !

I just need to vent me and my SO were trying for months to have our first LO, after an eptopic pregnancy not sure if we could have one w.o help I decided I wanted to wait and found all these unpregnant things to do now I am pregnant and it's pretty much a miracle I should be so happy but I'm kinda sad abt it while he is sooo happy I feel like a HORRIBLE person, I don't know how to feel the way I did before, I'm only 4 weeks I'm sure once things start coming along ill become more excited but right now I'm just nervous, a little sad ehhh, I know this is bad

Re: I Am horrible !

  • I'm sure it will pass. I felt the same too, I didn't regret or feel sad getting pregnant but it's hard to not think about how things will change in your life now that you're pregnant and will soon have a little one to look out for.
  • ktedmonktedmon member
    I have wanted children for as long as I can remember. When I found out I was regnant (FTM), I wasn't excited, happy or anything. I was more sad, depressed and felt hopeless. Maybe it was because I know I am basically doing this on my own. The father doesn't want to be with me and I know he can't provide for his child financially (he basically said so), but at one point, I was convinced I was having a miscarriage (excessive bleeding and passing of a clot I thought was the baby) and when I saw the little being on the u/s screen I was so happy. It made me out things in perspective. Don't feel bad. You can't help how you feel if you are not over the moon about this pregnancy. I found this site by mistake and I don't know where I would be without it. Lots of support and love from everyone here. Good luck and keep us posted.
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  • KisseyyKisseyy member
    Thank you so much, I will I'm just trying to stay focused on the positive changes. Thank you again and good luck to you !
  • KisseyyKisseyy member
    Yes I'm sure once I start getting a bump feeling movement ill be happier but now it's just hard w. an idea thank you for your support
  • It is completely normal to feel this way. No matter how ready you are, or how badly you want a baby, once you finally become pregnant you can experience a lot of emotions because your life is changing. It's normal to feel overwhelmed. You can never really prepare yourself for the emotions because you never know how you're going to react once you're pregnant. Not to mention your hormones are increasing and fluctuating which can wreak havoc on your emotions in the first place. Give yourself time to adjust to your emotions, and to your hormones. It will pass. In the meantime, try your best to focus on all of the positive changes that will be happening in your life now rather than focusing on the things you won't be able to do.
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