Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Noisy Neighborhood

We live in an apartment complex, backed up to the street. Our back slider door is on the street and my 10 month old, who just started teething, naps in the living room. We constantly get a lot of noise from people who are just hanging out parked on the street with their music blaring. I understand that its fun to do that, and that there are noise allowance hours, but sometimes I really want to put a sign on our window that a baby lives here. I think I'm probably being unreasonable, I do live in an apartment and that is one of the things that comes with it. I just wanted to see what you guys think. 

Re: Noisy Neighborhood

  • No. People won't care.

    My neighbor likes to work on old cars and do loud yard work during nap hours.  I bought a sound machine to drown out the noise.  Problem solved.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
  • Yeah, that's what I figured. 

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  • MooOinkMooOink member
    Our house was also on a busy road. Mororcycjds, firetrucks, honking. The sound machine in his room seemed to block it enough, though I think he was just used to sleeping thru it. We never went out of our way to be especially quiet when he napped as a newborn and that seemed to work.
  • Our bedroom has windows right by the parking spots, so its noisy there too, but I do my school work in the living room so its just more convenient to put him down in his play pen out here with me.
  • I found from very early on that both of my boys napped better in a room by themselves with a sound machine to block out random noises.  I would transition him to sleeping in a bedroom and use a white noise machine to block out as much sound as possible.  DS2 is able to sleep through lawn mowers, his brother acting like a maniac, me doing various things around the house and even the doorbell that is mounted on the outside of his room.  
  • I hate to sound paranoid, but don't put a sign that you have a baby.
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