So i just found out I am 4-5 weeks pregnant and I have been using one sugar twin pack daily ( yellow one) with my tea and i have just read that it horrible and too avoid .
I am just wondering how much damage i have done so far in my pregnancy ? I am scared to death now cause it causes birth and brain defects.
I hope one a day hasnt done irr-repairable damage ? I have thrown the box out now and i hope my baby is ok
Any advise would be great
Please help?.
Re: Sugar twin
splenda and its equivalents are "fda-approved" (i put that in quotes because i think all artifical sweeteners are toxic not just to the baby, but to you) for pregnancy, so you should be fine at this point. at 4-5 weeks, you aren't even sharing your food with the baby yet. as PP said, stop using them and switch to a pack of real, unprocessed sugar. it's good stuff.
like most things, as long as you consume in moderation, you're fine.
Emma Kate - born 10.16.03 @ 29 weeks, weighed 1lb 13oz and 13.5" long.
TTC #3
Thank you easing my mind i have worried myself sick and googled like a mad women , I fully appericate the help being new i have so many things to learn
Thank you again