Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Annnnnnnd she's off!

DD started crawling this am!

We walked DH to work and came home (our usual routine). I set her down in her play area to make her a bottle for her nap and I come back and she's over by the back door!

Imagine my surprise! So no nap yet- chasing DD from room to room as she explores- whew!

Also- she crawls like a peg leg pirate- one leg bent for crawling- the other leg straight out for balance?? hahaha


Re: Annnnnnnd she's off!

  • So exciting!

    FWIW, DD started crawling the same way but after a couple weeks she is double-kneeing it like "normal".  And she gets faster every day!

    Life will never be the same :)

  • hahaha it is! I'm all over the house!

    and good to know! she's getting the hang of it pretty quick! :)

    amazing to watch them!

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  • My son crawls like hat too!!  People really get a kick out of it. 

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