1st Trimester


Just needed to vent! I'm having terrible insomnia and have been up since 2am! It seems like I'm tired when I don't want to be and awake when I should be sleeping! And I am not showing at all! The only time I look pregnant is when I'm bloated! And my right boob is twice as big as my left! Haha the joys of pregnancy! Anyway sorry to complain! I should just get over it but I had to tell someone and everyone in their right mind is currently sleeping!

Re: 10w2d

  • I'm not sleeping ! I am up every night with restless leg and arm syndrome. Also, I am just so uncomfortable at night! My back hurts, I'm peeing every half hour and I toss and turn all night! It's miserable, but I know the end result is worth all of this, still sucks though. :)
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  • I hear you! Waking up at 3 am to eat and not being able to fall back asleep is so frustrating! :/ starting to feel the nausea too. It's going to be a long day
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  • Insomnia is normal all throughout pregnancy.

    Your 10 weeks. Your uterus is still behind the pubic bone and will be until at least 12 weeks. Even then, you probably won't show until after 20 weeks (on average, of course everyone is different). Calm down.

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  • ktedmonktedmon member
    I am 11 w 2 d and I'm up all the time. I've got an actual diagnosis of insomnia and it's nightly. these baby boards keep me up too, lol.
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