I am 8 weeks pregnant and my face has been breaking out, not terrible, but it usually stays clear. I have read you are not supposed to use any acne products. Any suggestions on what I could try to calm the acne down that isn't acne related?
This is only the second day I've used it, but I swear it's already made a difference (for the better) in my skin. The lotion has tea tree oil and seems to have a really drying affect, but doesn't make my skin feel super dry.
But..the lotion smells really strong and herbal. It's going to take some getting used to. I'll check back in a few weeks from now and let you know how I'm getting along!
Ugh. Mine too. I've neverrrr had skin problems before either! It's so frustrating. I've been using st.Ives apricot scrub but I planned on going out today and picking up some bare minerals face stuff. I had heard it was pretty good!
Re: Acne
I have always had problem skin and was really bummed when I learned I should stay away from my topical ance meds/face wash. I just ordered this combo: https://www.beautedemaman.com/products-page/pregnancy-products/acne-in-pregnancy-combo/
This is only the second day I've used it, but I swear it's already made a difference (for the better) in my skin. The lotion has tea tree oil and seems to have a really drying affect, but doesn't make my skin feel super dry.
But..the lotion smells really strong and herbal. It's going to take some getting used to. I'll check back in a few weeks from now and let you know how I'm getting along!